I never really feel like my make up is "done" without something on my lips. If I'm going fairly natural, this may be a tinted lip balm. However, I really love it when I can throw on a trusty lipstick, and there are 5 I tend to go for the most. Strangely, I don't own any high end lipsticks... yes really! There are a few reasons for this, mainly because the nearest mac counter to me is 2 hours away. I also feel very strongly that the high street really does some fantastic lipsticks, so much so that up to now I have never felt the need to deviate from this.
Here are the 5 lipsticks in more detail (in no particular order!)
1. Revlon - Matte 004 Pink about it £6.49 I've had this lipstick for a really long time now, and it's still going strong even if it's sadly getting ever closer to running out. It's a little weird that it's called "Pink about it", as I think it's more of an orangey coral shade with only the slightest hint of pink. It's fairly comfortable to wear, although I think Revlon have discontinued it as I can only find it on Amazon. 2. Collection Volume Sensation - 13 Satin Bow £2.99 I actually received this lipstick as part of a £5 for £20 worth of products goody bag, at the Clothes Show. The lady said this lipstick was a good shade because it was so neutral, therefore suitable for a multitude of different looks. This is my first ever nude lipstick, and I have to say I've gotten alot of use out of it, even though it's not all that pigment heavy. In a good way, this is useful because it means I can wear lipstick yet I know it wont overpower the look, or be to much for daytime. I also really like the packaging, you can't beat a pink of pink! 3. Make Up Academy - Shade 16 Nectar £1
No, you're not seeing things... this lipstick really did cost just a quid! I have been wearing this lipstick alot lately. It is quite matte so I like to apply balm before and after use so my lips don't dry out. This shade is quite bold as it's a bright orange/coral shade. However against my skintone, I can't get enough of it. There are 16 shades in the MUA lipstick range, and I think for the quality the price is unbelievable, and it wouldn't cost the earth to buy the entire range! Compare £16 for
SIXTEEN lipsticks (if you're crazy enough), as opposed to £36 for ONE Tom Ford lipstick. Enough said! Finally, it has a cute little detachable end that contains more product, which can be applied by hand like a balm or with a lip brush (such as the Real Techniques detailer brush). 4. Rimmel London - 500 Diva Red £6.29 Would you believe I actually won this lipstick on a competition held by Rimmel way back in the days of myspace?! Diva red is quite a dark red, but at the same time is quite vibrant when you apply it. The colour is quite pigmented and stays on a really long time (it was also the most stubborn swatch to clean off my arm!). If I was to be picky, I would probably advise a lip liner as the colour can bleed slightly if you apply too much product. 5. Barry M - 121 Pillar Box Red £4.49
Good old Barry M, we haven't forgotten you! This shade is very vibrant, and reminds me of old Hollywood. It has a slight sheen to it, however is more matte than gloss. The packaging is also quite sleek, and fits together to be quite small compared to my other lipsticks. This makes it ideal for my handbag, although I don't tend to wear this shade all too often. However when I need it, I know it will deliver and last a really long time. (If you were wondering, I had to use this lipstick for an art project hence it's a little flat looking!)
It's not often I open a magazine and see beautiful, pale skinned models advertising fashion and beauty looks (afterall, pale is not considered cool remember). However, things are looking up in this months "Look" magazine published here in the UK.
Now whilst we may be a long way off making the cover, the second page and a few other pages within this issue of the magazine are fronted by a stunning model (unfortunately I've scoured the magazine and cannot find her name anywhere). Even so, I really applaud Look magazine for featuring a range of models of all different skintones. There is nothing I hate more when magazines do fashion features that are only suitable for tanned skin, as I think what's the point in me buying this if it won't suit me? Thankfully this issue does diversify, and hopefully it will open the floodgates for more publications to follow suit.
Afterall, it's not just lack of make-up shades that us fairer folk struggle with finding - clothing choices can also have an impact. This is why it's refreshing to see Look realise that not everyone is bronzed, and just because we are not doesn't mean to say we don't deserve to find nice clothes that suit us - not wash us out or make us feel self conscious. I have posted some of the pictures from the editorial above. Let me know what you think!
Liz Earle's Cleanse and Polish is a hot cloth cleanser, that is pretty much a staple in most beauty bloggers lives. Infact, it is more than likely you've heard countless people talk about it on youtube. So why another review on it? I guess I really wanted to talk about C&P from my own experiences, especially if you have never used it yourself, and are looking for a good quality cleanser.
So lets start from the beginning. Liz Earle founded her brand in 1995, and now has 4 UK stores, with the company base situated in the Isle of Wight. The brand is renown for their high quality ingredients that are responsibly sourced, and are also free from animal testing. I have been a C&P addict for a good 2 years now. In terms of my skin, it's not perfect (whose actually is?!)... it can be quite sensitive, dry but also temperamental in terms of breakouts. Now this is not a review where I end up stating C&P is the perfect fix for all of these problems, as I believe having good skin is about an overall balance of diet, lifestyle, etc. So what is it that keeps me repurchasing as soon as my little green tube has run out?! Well, aside from the brand values and great customer service... I just love the feeling of my skin after I have used it. This is no greater than after a long day wearing make-up when my skin feels desperate for a good cleanse. Using make up remover alone will not leave you will squeaky clean skin, especially if you wear heavy foundation or mascara. This is where a good cleanser comes in, and in my case C&P. There really is no better feeling than applying C&P all over my face, and covering it with a warm muslin cloth. I then give my skin a good rinse with luke warm water to help clear any remaining traces of C&P. The beauty of C&P is it's not heavy, or overly fragranced. Nor does it sting, tingle or leave the skin red like many cleansers I have used. Cleaning your skin is not about being harsh or over scrubbing - this is skin we are talking about, not a kitchen floor. It's a massive misconception that bad skin deserves the harshest treatment, when infact not being gentle is often the worst thing you can do.
The key ingredients of C&P include Rosemary, Chamomile, Cocoa Butter and Eucalyptus essential oil... which in combination really do leave the skin feeling amazing - not stripped or irritated. The format is also really easy to work with, it's quite thick but not in a heavy way - it allows for good application but at the same time isn't runny or difficult to work with. This cleanser is even suitable for guys too, and Liz Earle even have their own mens version which you can find here. Whether the format is different or just the packaging, don't be put off because you think cleansing is just for women - skin is skin no matter what your gender, so take care of it! Perhaps the only type of skin I wouldn't reccommend C&P for is acne prone skin. Even though C&P says it is for all skin types, if my skin isn't behaving I do switch up my cleansers. However I don't attribute bad skin to the use of C&P - I just sometimes prefer a different type of cleanser that perhaps contains clay or other deep acting properties to really help clean my pores. C&P is still good in that respect, however as skin tends to change slightly throughout the month and become more breakout prone (like most womens), I like to tailor my skincare accordingly. If you wish to try Cleanse and Polish for yourself, you can find the link to it here. Great news is that Liz Earle are offering free P&P until the 7th of August so get in there quick! Another great thing about the website, is there are a wide variety of sizes available, meaning if you don't have a huge budget, you don't have to buy the largest size.
I was also amazed this month when I ordered a 50ml size, to receive a complementary 30ml tube (the size I usually order!), as well as 2 muslin cloths, a travel bag and a perfume. For me, this just shows how much Liz Earle value their customers because I can't think of another beauty brand which go to such lengths to make people smile! Do you use C&P? Let me know if you do, or if you prefer another cleanser.